Children and Family Services

(509) 634-2637 | (509) 634-2633 fax
Toll-free (800) 658-4535
Open 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Mon.-Thurs.

24-hour Intake Line, (866) END-HARM or (866) 363-4276

Child Protective Services offers 24-hour coverage. If you call us after hours, first responders are Tribal Police who will contact CPS on-call if the situation or incident involves children and their well-being or safety.

The CFS program serves federally recognized Indian children and families residing within the interior boundaries of the reservation. Eligibility is in accordance with Tribal Law, Tribal enrollment and/or eligibility, Federal law, state law and DCYF policy, when applicable, per the tribal/state Child Placement agreement.

Our mission is to protect the best interest of Indian Children and promote the stability and security of Indian Tribes and families by implementing the requirements established in the Colville Confederated Tribal Juvenile Code, Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and tribal customs, laws and policy.


Providing protection and prevention of child abuse for children birth to 18 years of age (up to age 21 with the exception clause for special needs children), the program provides a full range of services that may include, but are not limited, to:

  • Case management

  • Child abuse (CPS) investigations, formal and informal contracts, voluntary placement agreements, community education, intake information and referrals, collaboration and networking with many helping resources and systems to include schools, DCYF, mental health, drug and education professionals, domestic violence advocates, and school attendance with educational advocacy

  • Foster care - licensing and recruitment

  • Development and support of relative placement, assisting with resources for those children

  • Preventing disruption and out-of-home placement as a last resort, when possible

  • Adoption and guardianship support (next friend and adoption reports)

  • To be the voice of the community against child abuse and neglect

  • Home studies and court-sanctioned home visits

  • Independent living skills support in accordance with grant requirements for children ages 15-18

  • Family reunification - individual services and safety plans sanctioned by Tribal court

  • Intervention, transfer or monitoring in Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) cases involving Tribal members from other jurisdictions and in-state and out-of-state ICWA cases in a coordinated effort with our Office of Reservation Attorney's Office


Buffy Nicholson, Program Manager
(509) 634-2764  ​​
Crystal Condon, Sr. Admin. Assistant
(509) 634-2645  ​
Gary Nicholson, Central Intake
(509) 634-2644  ​
Sheila Pakootas, Office Assistant
(509) 634-2637
Viteolee Marconi, Social Worker
(509) 634-2636
Jaima Jameson, Social Worker
(509) 634-2650
Shalena Bent, Social Worker
(509) 634-2764
Laura Dick, Transporter
(509) 634-2794